News and thoughts

Changing Mindsets

By Søren "Sean" Holmberg - Owner

🤷🏼‍♂️ Changing your employees mindset can be difficult but we at Gabiray are certified to help! It is not everyone who will fall for a fancy title like “Facility Manager” and a nice uniform like my 11 year old here and volunteer to go an extra mile. (He insisted to vacuum and mop the floors, in exchange for the title and an old chefs jacket 😆).
Read more about how we as Scrum Masters and ProSci Change Managers, can help you drive new ways of doing things throughout your organisation. Click here.

What motivates people differs! Here are a few key observations we have made:
👀 Observation is the first step before any change. Observing your team, stakeholders etc. will give you an idea how far you can actually take the change and help you set realistic goals and time plans.
🏆 Be clear about the goals and desired outcomes of the change. Also if the goal changes during the project.
👨‍👧‍👦 People behave differently in groups than on their own. Knowing their individual motivations as well as the overall group motivation is important.
👸 There’s always someone who is in it for the fame. Utilising them right can be a big win. Utilising them wrong can create a big obstacle.
👨‍🎤 Use the diversity to your advantage. Instead of seeing differences between people as a problem, use open communication and ideation processes to let different views shape the change.
💬 Make sure everyone feel heard. Also those who are not outspoken by nature. And take all feedback seriously.

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