Getting an overview of AI, let alone understanding its future, is daunting. As with any emerging technology, think Crypto or (sigh) Metaverse, an abundance of self proclaimed experts seem to appear from nowhere (and looking at their CVs often nowhere is exactly where they are coming from).
Almost all of them are hard at work, not to share their seemingly endless expertise, but to sell you some sort of course, webinar, ebook (another word for PDF) or similar, to make them rich and you nonetheless wiser.
But two trustworthy sources seem to agree on one thing: The business model for AI and Large Language Models is up in the air. One of the sources, Sabine Hossenfelder quotes a Business Analyst that “Billions of dollars will be incinerated”. Former CTO of Rokoko (yes, them with the morph suit) and current founder of consultancy house Infinite Loop, writes that Meta releasing version 3.1 of their Llama Large Language Model, means “paying overpriced rates for proprietary models makes less sense since anyone can pull the Llama models from the shelf and deploy them on an inference service. This will naturally cause prices to drop in the coming months and make it even more challenging to be an LLM vendor.”
In her video, Sabine Hossenfelder runs some numbers that are far from earlier wild predictions of how AI will increase our GDP. The sobering fact, according to Sabine, is that we are not looking at double digit growth, or well we are, but double digits after the dot. On the path to that, billions of dollars will be incinerated.
As we at Gabiray are not coaches or other kinds of self-proclaimed experts, but certified advisors, we will refrain from opinionating on things beyond our expertise, that includes AI and MMLs.
Instead we will lean on the two opinions, that you can watch and read in their entirety here:
Sabine Hossenfelder - AI Hype: “Billions of dollars will be incinerated” Business Analysts Warn